New brand photovoltaic system provide in UAE

The Photovoltaic lightingsystem collects solar energy using one or more PV panels, stores that energy in a battery or battery series, and releases energy to power light sources at night. Typically, components of a PV lighting system include PV panels, batteries, electrical equipment (including battery charge controller, inverter or ballast / driver, timer or switch), light sources (lights), and lamps. The initial purchase costs and most maintenance costs for these components are high compared to conventional grid-enabled lighting systems. Designing and installing a PV lighting system is also more complicated than conventional grid lighting systems. As a result, lighting systems suitable for PV lighting systems are currently limited. However, effective PV lighting applications can be developed with a carefully designed design process and a well-chosen choice between PV power and grid power. PV lighting systems are generally most effective when low light levels and limited electrical power are acceptable and / or where access to the grid is expensive or difficult. Other examples of this type of application are camping sites, rural roads, and parking spaces in remote areas.


PV modules and arrays are one part of the PV system. Systems include solar panels that point to solar panels, as well as components that take on current (DC) electricity generated by modules and convert them to variable power (AC) used to power all electrical appliances in your area. at home. The largest PV systems in the country are located in California and generate power so that resources can be distributed to their customers. Solar Star PV generates 579 megawatts of electricity, while Topaz Solar Farm and Desert Sunlight Solar Farm each generate 550 megawatts.

 PV cell is the basic building block of the PV system. Individual cells can vary in size from about 0.5 inches to about 4 inches wide. However, one cell produces only 1 or 2 watts, which is enough electricity for only a small amount of use, such as power counters or wrist watches.PV cells are electrically connected to a packed PV module, weatherproof or panel. PV modules vary in size and the amount of electricity they can produce. The PV module generates energy that increases with the number of cells in a module or the surface area of ​​a module. PV modules can be grouped together to form a PV list. A PV range can be made up of two or more PV modules. The number of PV modules connected to the same PV components determines the total amount of electricity that the same members can generate.

Photovoltaic cells produce direct current (DC) electricity. This DC gas can be used to charge batteries, which, in turn, use direct current. Almost all electricity is provided as alternating current (AC) in the transmission and distribution systems. Devices called inverters are used in PV modules or in the system to convert DC electricity into AC power.

 PV cells and modules will generate a large amount of electricity when exposed to direct sunlight. PV modules and arrays can use tracking systems that move the modules to stay in the sun, but these systems are expensive. Many PV systems have fixed modules that face south (north equator — directly north and south equator) and angles that improve the physical and economic performance of the system.

 Photovoltaic is the conversion of light particles into electricity. Solar panels are usually made up of several units of PV cells made of semiconductor materials, such as silicon, forming an electrical circuit. When sunlight is captured, electrons are released and taken in the form of electrical energy.

 A photovoltaic power station, also known as a solar park or farm, is a large photovoltaic system (PV system) designed to provide power to the national grid. Unlike solar panels in buildings, our photovoltaic plants provide electricity at service level.


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