Provide brand new freezing and refrigeration system- UAE

We know what is most important about a refrigerator in a busy, demanding kitchen: Sturdy, reliable & flexible products, backed by unparalleled customer service.

The function of the refrigerator circuit is to remove unwanted heat from one place and transfer it to another. To achieve this, the refrigerator is discarded through a closed refrigerator system. If the system were not shut down, it would use the refrigerator to disperse it to the surrounding media; because it is closed, the same refrigerator is used over and over again, as it goes through the cycle releasing some heat and releasing it. A closed cycle serves other purposes as well; keeps the refrigerator free of impurities and controls its flow, as it is a liquid in some parts of the cycle and gas or vapor in other stages.


In this process, as heat is released from the vapor, a change occurs and the vapor is reduced back to the liquid, with high pressure and high temperature.


The liquid cooler now flows to the measuring machine as it passes through a small opening or area where the pressure and temperature drops, and then enters the evaporator or coil coil. As the refrigerator enters the main space of the evaporator tube or coil, it evaporates, ready to start another cycle with the system.

The refrigerator systemrequires certain means of connecting key components - evaporator, compressor, condenser, and meter meter - just as the roads connect communities. Tubes or "lines" make the system perfect so that the refrigerator does not get into the atmosphere.


Methods of Refrigeration:-

1. Dry IceRefrigeration:-

·      Solid Carbon dioxide (CO2) is called frozen ice and has the unique properties that change from solid to vapor without being converted to a liquid medium (sublimation). Due to the changing nature, it absorbs heat equal to the enthalpy of vaporization. The temperature below dry ice at atmospheric pressure is -78 ° C.

·   Dry ice is used to store food during transport. Nowadays it is used worldwide to store air-transport food. Dry ice cubes are usually packed in frozen food cartons on either side or top of food packages, with dry ice absorbing heat from food and storing it in ice.

2. Evaporative Refrigeration:-

·        Evaporative refrigeration uses the principle that when a liquid evaporates, it absorbs heat equal to its subtle evaporation temperature in the surrounding environment, thus cooling it.

·       Water cooling in a clay pot - water from the holes in the pot evaporates when it comes in contact with dry air, thus cooling the water in the container.

·       When a drop of air is placed in the palm of the hand, it evaporates and produces a cooling effect.

·         Evaporation evaporation can be defined as the transfer of adiabatic heat from air to water.

·         Evaporation evaporation can be defined as the transfer of adiabatic heat from air to water.

·       It is used in cooling towers where the condenser water is cooled by spraying it from above and forcing air from below. Another application is a volatile type of condensers. Also used to cool deserts or cooler rooms. Dry air passes through water pads. As a result of evaporation, the air is cooled. The principle is also used in the manufacture of synthetic ice.


3. Thermo-electric Refrigeration:-

·       Thermo-electric refrigerator uses the Peltier effect. When two different metals are joined at both ends and a straight wire is spread over it, one member is cooled while the other is heated.

·         Antimony (Sb) and Bismuth (Bi) are commonly used metals as they are electrochemical in their polarity. If the cold area is placed in a closed area, it cools down. If the current size increases and a series of such tracts are put together a good cooling effect can be produced.


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