The heat pump captures heat from the outside and takes it to your home. It uses electricity to do this, however the amount of heat brought to your home is much higher than the amount of electricity used to power the system. Since the heat pump absorbs the heat already present in the environment, the system itself does not burn any fuel and therefore does not emit carbon dioxide. Everything around us contains heat energy - or heat. Heat flows naturally from warm to cold. In order to provide heat to the house when the outside temperatures are cold, we need heat to flow in the opposite direction - from the cold to the warm. But how does it do it?

As the gas pressure increases, the temperature rises. As the pressure decreases, the temperature decreases. This relationship between pressure and temperature is key to how the heat pump works.

The gas is called a ‘refrigerator’ and the heat pump uses electricity to compress the refrigerator, increasing the pressure as well as the temperature. As the temperature of the refrigerator is transferred to your home via a temperature changer, it cools slightly. The refrigerator is then allowed to expand to cool even more. Now it is cold enough to absorb the extra heat from the outside and start the process again.


The heat generated by the heat exchange can be used to heat your home. This can usually be done using a central heating system - but it can also be done using warm air in a heat pump from the air to the air or an exhaust heat pump.Installing a low temperature pump or air source in hot water requires more work than installing or upgrading a conventional boiler, which is why it is always better to hire a professional and professional installation service. As renewable energy technicians, we will provide you with the exact size of your heat pump according to the need for hot water, taking into account the size of the area, the number of occupants and the bathrooms. In this way, we can ensure the most economical hot water supply year-round. We ensure the availability of hot water that is readily available without hot water bills with a direct result of overheating. To find out more or to request a quote, complete our contact form. One of our Managing Account Managers will contact you soon to discuss immediately before giving you a suggestion.

Will installing a heat pump help save money on my heating costs?

Although compressors and pumps require electricity to operate, they operate at low temperatures from the outside to the inside. The amount of heat dissipation compared to the amount of electricity used depends on the source temperature and the output temperature, so it varies from year to year as the outside temperatures change.

How this will affect your energy bill will depend on a number of factors, including:

What oil do you change and how much does it cost.

Your electricity bill.

What type of heat pump do you install and how efficient it is.

Design your central heating system.

Your location and its air temperature or temperatures are low throughout the year.

For people who use gas boilers (not LPG or oil boilers), heat pumps may be less expensive to operate unless special attention is paid to ensuring the efficiency of the heat pump in the heating system by using the best design of the radiator / low temperature design. . However, as commodity prices change over time, we expect heat pumps to be much cheaper and the lowest carbon footprint available.



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