Get the best service provide Steam boiler – UAE – Viessmann

Steam boiler is the heart of the system. A modern integrated boiler is powered by heat that sends heat to the boiler tubes. The hot gases from the heat flush back and forth 3 times through a series of tubes to obtain greater heat transfer through the tubes to the boiler in the surrounding water. When water reaches the full temperature (the temperature at which it will boil at that pressure) steam bubbles are produced, rising above the water and exploding. The system is released in the space above, ready to enter the system. The stop or crown valve separates the boiler and its steam pressure from the process or plant.

When the smoke is pressed, it will take up less space. Steam boilers usually operate under pressure, so that most of the steam can be produced by a small boiler and transferred to the operating area using small drilling pipes. If necessary, the steam pressure decreases in the area of use.

As long as the amount of steam produced in the boiler is as high as the one leaving the boiler, the boiler will remain compressed. The burner will work to maintain proper pressure. This also maintains the correct steam temperature, because the pressure and temperature of the full steam are directly related. The boiler has a number of inserts and controls to ensure that it operates safely, economically, efficiently and under constant pressure.

Steam boiler

Key benefits of Steam Boiler:

Available in stainless steel.

Prices are lower than external analogues.

Delivery is available from the existing list of equipment.

Visiting specialists on site for installation and posting

Produce a full and hot steam from 110 ° C to 215 ° C and pressure from 0.7 kgf / cm² to 16 kgf / cm².

Automatic operation without regular presence of service personnel.

Low fuel consumption - reduced production costs.

Light size and weight.

Fast steam production 20-30 minutes after startup.

Maximum feed water temperature range - from 5 ° C to 100 ° C.

Up to 90% efficiency (depending on the type of fuel).

Product steam parameter adjustment.

Discharge of steam unit within 1 day.

Installation of water supply pumps set aside.

Blow-offs are provided by design.

The life cycle of technology is not less than 10 years.

Authorized in the Russian Federation and in the CIS countries, there is a good expert report on industrial safety.

Condensate removal from plant:

Generally, the constructive condensate will easily escape from the plant using a steam trap. Condensate enters the condensate drainage system. If it is dirty, it will probably be sent for removal. If not, the critical thermal energy it contains can be stored by returning it to the boiler feedtank. This also saves on water and water purification costs.

Sometimes a vacuum can be formed inside the steam using a plant. This prevents the flow of condensate, but the proper flow from the steam area maintains the performance of the plant. After that the condensate should be removed. Mechanical pumps (using steam) are used for this purpose. These, or electric pumps, are used to lift the condensate back to the feed tank in the boiler.

A mechanical pump, see photo on the right, is shown draining water from a plant.  Once the condensate reaches the feed tank, it is available in the boiler for recycling.




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