Oil Condensing Boiler System -UAE - Viessmann

Oil Condensing Boiler -  Viessmann Condensing Boiler is a product of high precision, extensive research and long-collected information. The design and construction are all a combination of knowledge and experience in our stainless steel oil boilers. The series is at the forefront of the most innovative design concept for boiler and all interior components made of Stainless Steel. A maximum output of 12,000 kW or 12 Mega Watts can be achieved by using these conventional oil boilers in the cascade configuration.

New-generation boilers are also called hi-efficiency boilers, because they are designed and manufactured due to major technological advances. The system of conventional boilers is based on the exploitation of heat from exhaust gases using technological solutions that absorb the remaining heat and transfer it to the cold water that enters the boiler. The process seems simple, yet there is an additional heat to be used: the subtle heat extraction in the vapor produced during combustion, which is 11%. With traditional boilers, the potential energy in the exhaust gases cannot be detected and dissipated in the environment, as the emissions are released at temperatures above 120 ° C; on the contrary, the boiler condensing system allows for the return of heat to the exhaust, by cooling it below the dew point, and cooling below 65 ° C. atmospheric emissions (50-60 ° C compared to 120-180 ° C in the current of solid fuel boilers) are thus environmentally friendly. Thanks to the Definition of Low Temperature (LHV) that does not include subtropical heat, so that the efficiency of a compact boiler exceeds 100% and is more efficient at about 25% per year than conventional boilers.



ü  Solid construction.

ü  Honesty.

ü  Energy saving.

ü  Environmentally friendly

ü  And benefit from

ü  Complete design.

ü  Easy maintenance.

ü  Large heating area.

According to  current time  the cost of using the most efficient boiler is £ 942 a year.  . However, the fact is that only conventional oil-fired boilers meet this goal of saving electricity. Typically, a new thick oil-powered boiler will have 92% to 93% efficiency, compared to 85% for new non-slip boiler and 60% to 70% for older systems.

An oil boiler purchased from a well-built company should work as well as a gas-fired boiler system, if not. Oil works as well as gasoline and gives good value to all energy units. To improve the efficiency of oil boilers the following tips should be followed:

 ü  Room thermostats should be used regularly.

ü  Thermostats and boilers should be wired at interlock to stop cycling when hot water is not needed or room temperature is required.

ü  The hot water tank should have a cylinder thermostat.

ü  Hot water and heat should be arranged separately from time to time.

ü  Thermostatic radiators should be installed on radiators .

Oil Codensig Boiler


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